Manitoba Home Economics Teachers’ Association


Article I – Intention

This Constitution repeals and abrogates all previous Constitutions or other similar documents which may have existed and henceforth this Constitution shall be the source and repository of all rights, benefits and duties of the organization, its officers, and its members.

Article II – Name

The name of the organization shall be the “Manitoba Home Economics Teachers’ Association,” hereinafter referred to as “The Association.” The Association is a Special Area Group in affiliation with the Manitoba Teachers’ Society, hereinafter referred to as “The Society.”

Article III – Objects

The object of the Association shall be:
             1.) to provide leadership in Home Economics education,

2.) to encourage Manitoba Home Economics teachers to work together towards the advancement of Home Economics,

3.) to bring forth and exchange mutual ideas and discuss common problems,

4.) to disseminate knowledge of professional interest to Home Economics teachers,

5.) to encourage Manitoba Home Economics teachers to work together towards the improvement of the quality of education,

6.) to act as the representative of Manitoba Home Economics teachers,

7.) to protect the identity and importance of Home Economics education in Manitoba schools and respond, through The Society, to all matters affecting the image of Home Economics in Manitoba,

8.) to promote continued and improved relationships with all affiliated groups who are associated with Home Economics education.


Article I - Membership

A.The following membership criteria shall apply:

1.) Membership shall be voluntary and shall be open to any active or associate member of The Society.

2.) A minimum of 60% of the membership of The Association shall be active or associate members of The Society.

3.) The Association shall maintain a minimum of 20 members who are also active or associate members of The Society.

B. The Association shall recognize the following membership categories:

1.) Regular Membership - shall include teachers who are actively engaged in teaching at any level in the province of Manitoba who are interested in Home Economics education.

2.) Student/Retired Membership – shall include full time university students in education, teacher candidates, and retired teachers who are interested in Home Economics education.

3.) Honourary Membership – may be awarded to individuals who have either retired from profession after major involvement in The Association, or individuals who have made a long and outstanding contribution in Home Economics education.

(i)  Nominations for Honourary Membership may be made by the Executive at a general meeting with a majority vote of the meeting required for approval.

(ii)  Nominations for Honourary Membership may be made at any time during the year with a majority vote of a general meeting required for approval.

(iii)  Honourary memberships will be awarded at the Annual General Meeting.

Article II – Rights and Obligations of Membership

Regular Members shall:

1.)  Actively support The Association and promote the objects as outlined in the Constitution.

2.)  Pay the annual fee set by The Association.

3.)  Have full voting privileges at General Meetings including election of the Executive Committee.

4.)  Be eligible to hold office on the Executive Committee.

5.)  Receive all publications of The Association.

Honourary Members shall:

1.)  Actively support The Association and promote the objects as outlined in the Constitution.

2.)  Receive all publications of The Association.

Article III – Fees

1.)  Membership fees are for the period of Sept. 1st to August 31st of each year.

2.)  Membership fees shall be reviewed annually and approved by the membership

at the Annual General Meeting.

3.)  Membership fees for Student/Retired Members shall be one-half of the

Regular Membership fee.

4.)  Membership fees shall be set to cover costs which would enable The

Association to provide quality programs and services to its members.

5.)  Only Association members who are active or associate members of The

Society shall be counted for financial allocations by The Society.

Article IV – Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of The Association shall be September 1st to August 31st annually.

Article V – Executive Committee

1.) The affairs of The Association shall be administered by an Executive Committee, hereinafter referred to as “the Executive,” which shall be composed of;
a. Past-president

b. President
c. President-elect
d. Secretary
e. Treasurer
f. Journal/Newsletter Editor
g. Membership Services Coordinator
h. Special Area Group Representative
i. Four (4) Regional Representatives
j. Special Projects Coordinator
k. University of Manitoba Education Student Liaison l. Professional and Academic Liaison

2.)  All members of the Executive shall hold office for a term of one year commencing from the date of the Annual General Meeting.

3.)  Elections of the Executive members shall be held at the Annual General Meeting.

4.)  Voting in the elections shall be by secret ballot.

5.)  The Executive may establish any committee at any time throughout the year

with powers and duties it deems necessary.

Article VI – Nominating Committee

1.)  The Executive shall appoint a Nominating Committee, chaired by the Past- president and including two or three members who have been approved by the Executive.

2.)  The Nominating Committee shall seek nominations from the membership by December 31st of each year.

3.)  A complete list of nominees will be submitted to the Executive prior to an election.

4.)  The elections shall be held at the Annual General Meeting and the results announced at the Annual General Meeting.

5.)  The Nominating Committee shall;

a.)  provide official ballots

b.)  be responsible for the distribution, collection and counting of the ballots

c.)  retain the ballots for thirty (30) days after the election and shall destroy the

ballots at that time, and

d.)  fill the list of officers elected to the Executive with The Society within

four weeks of the elections.

Article VII – Meetings

A.) Executive Committee

1.)  The Executive shall meet a minimum of three times per year.

2.)  Notice of meetings shall be given at least seventy-two hours in advance.

3.)  The first meeting of the Executive shall take place no later than the second

week of June.

4.)  The President, or the President-Elect when she/he is acting in place of the

President, and five other voting members of the Executive shall constitute

a quorum at any meeting of the Executive.

5.)  A member of the Executive must be present at the meeting in order to


6.)  Proxy voting is not permitted.

7.)  Unless otherwise provided within these bylaws, all decisions shall be decided by a simple majority.

8.)  An Executive position that becomes vacant for any reason shall be filled by appointment by the Executive until the next Annual General Meeting.

B.) General Meetings

1.)  The Association shall hold a minimum of one general meeting annually.

2.)  There shall be an Annual General Meeting held no later than the fourth

Friday of May.

3.)  Initial notification of the Annual General Meeting shall be two (2) months

prior to the meeting date.

4.)  The quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall be 10% of the


5.)  All matters shall be decided by a simple majority.

6.)  Motions to be considered at the Annual General Meeting must be

submitted in writing to the Executive at least 30 days in advance of the scheduled meeting date.

Article VIII – Duties of the Executive

A.)  Past-President

The Past-President shall:
a.) provide support and guidance to the Executive;
b.) chair the Nominating Committee and present a slate of officers to the general membership at the Annual General Meeting;
c.) conduct the election of the Executive at the Annual General Meeting;
d.) oversee changes to the Constitution and ByLaws of the Association; and
e.) prepare a report for the Annual General Meeting of the Association.

B.)  President

The President shall:
a.) call and chair all meetings of the Executive,
b.) act as the formal representative of the Association,
c.) be an ex-officio member of every committee of the Association constituted under the provisions of this constitution. This responsibility may be designated to any member of the Executive by the President.

d.) submit a written annual report to the membership at the Annual General Meeting and to The Society outlining the activities during the past year and the recommendations of the Executive and its committees,

e.) act as a signing authority for the Association,

C.) President-Elect

The President-Elect shall:

a.)  assume the duties of the President in the absence of or as designated by the President;

b.)  attend the SAG Council meetings called by The Society or, if unable to attend, ensure that an alternate representative is appointed;

c.)  prepare reports to the SAG Council from the MHETA Executive and from the SAG Council to the MHETA Executive;

d.)  assist the President as required; and

e.)  prepare a report for the Annual General Meeting of the Association.

D.)  Secretary

The Secretary shall:

a.)  record, prepare and distribute the minutes of all Executive and General Meetings of the Association ;

b.)  maintain a list of all motions made at all official meetings throughout the year; and

c.)  receive and file minutes of MHETA Executive, MHETA SAG Conference Committee, SAG Council, MAHE Winnipeg, MAHE Provincial, MTS Provincial Executive, and others as required by the Executive;

d.)  prepare a report for the Annual General Meeting of the Association; and

e.)  keep custody of all records and documents of the Executive.

E.)  Treasurer

The Treasurer shall:

a.)  keep and accurate record of all financial transactions of the Association;

b.)  provide audited annual financial statements to The Society by November 30th of each year;

c.)  act as a signing authority for the Association;

d.)  present an accurate financial report at all meetings of the Executive and members;

e.)  present an annual financial statement with recommendations to the Annual General Meeting;

f.)  prepare the financial records for transfer to the incoming Treasurer within four weeks of the Annual General Meeting; and

g.)  prepare a report for the Annual General Meeting of the Association.

F.)  Journal/Newsletter Editor

The Journal/Newsletter Editor shall:

a.)  collect and prepare articles and information for the Journal and the Newsletter ensuring a significant focus on Manitoba topics;

b.)  be responsible for the publication of the Journal and Newsletter;

c.) work with the home page editor to maintain the Association’s website; and

d.) prepare a report for the Annual General Meeting of the Association.

G.)  Membership Services Coordinator 

The Membership Services Coordinator shall:

a.)  ensure that the Association maintains an up-to-date record of all members to be available for circulation by December 1st annually;

b.)  liaise with The Society on membership records;

c.)  be available at any professional activity to register members;

d.)  report to the Executive and the members on the activities of the Association related to publications, computer services, resources, and Francophone and French Immersion schools; and

e.)  prepare a report for the Annual General Meeting of the Association.

H.)  Special Area Group Representative 

The Special Area Group Representative shall:
a.) coordinate the planning of the provincial conference,
b.) prepare a report for the Annual General Meeting of the Association, and
c.) Chair the Conference Committee.

I.)  Four Regional Representatives

The Four Regional Representatives shall:

a.)  receive the minutes of the Association Executive and General meetings and distribute pertinent information to his/her members;

b.)  act as the liaison between the Association Executive and the members in their respective regions;

c.)  appoint a chair from within the four representatives;

d.)  work together in planning professional development events and general meetings of the Association; and

e.)  Prepare a report for the Annual General Meeting of the Association.

J.)  Special Projects Coordinator

The Special Projects Coordinator shall:

a.)  gather resources/global education materials for submission to the


b.)  act as the contact person for any special project that the Association may undertake;

c.)  Act as a resource person to the four regional representatives.

d.)  Prepare a report for the Annual General Meeting of the Association.

K.)  University of Manitoba Student Liaison

The University of Manitoba Student Liaison shall:

a.) report on the activities of the Home Economics/Human Ecology teacher candidates;

b.)  gather information from student teachers for at least one Journal submission; and

c.)  prepare a report for the Annual General Meeting of the Association.

L.) Professional and Academic Liaison

The Professional and Academic Liaison shall:

a.)  act as the liaison between the Association and other professional organizations and academic institutions;

b.)  gather pertinent information, materials or resources for submission to the Journal;

c.)  act as a resource person to the team of regional representatives; and

d.)  Prepare a report for the Annual General Meeting of the Association.

Article IX – Committees

Conference Committee

This committee shall:
1.) be chaired by the Special Area Group representative, and
2.) Organize the provincial conference to be held on the coordinated conferences day held annually on the fourth Friday of November.

Article X – Finances st

1.)  The fiscal year of the Association shall be September 1st to August 31 annually.

2.)  The Association shall not budget for a deficit of its general operating costs.

3.)  All expenditures of the Association shall be approved by the Executive prior to funds being expended.

4.)  All expenditures of funds require the signatures of two of the Association’s designated signing authorities.

5.)  Special projects may be funded from funds held in the Reserve Fund to an amount not greater than 50% of the previous year’s membership revenue.

6.)  Audited financial statements shall be prepared annually by an accredited accountant and provided to The Society by November 30th of each year.

Article XI – Amendments to Constitution and By-Laws

1.)  This Constitution and the By-Laws may be amended only at the Annual General Meeting of the Association by a simple majority of voting members present.

2.)  Proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws shall be circulated to all members or published in the Journal at least 30 days prior to the Annual General Meeting.

Article XII – Liability and Indemnification

1.)  Any member of the Association acting under the authorization of the Executive shall be indemnified by the Association for financial loss incurred.

2.)  Any person who expends money in the name of the Association without the authorization of the Executive shall be personally liable for such expenditure and the Association shall have the right to recover from the person(s) the amount of the unauthorized expenditure.

Article XIII– Dissolution

If the Association were to become inactive as per the SAG Terms of Affiliation with The Society,

i.)  the value of the display units shall be ascertained for liquidation; and

ii.)  any monies held in Association accounts, including sale proceeds of the display units, shall be divided equally between the two financial awards given annually to University of Manitoba students, The Helen Janzen Memorial Bursary and The Isabelle Wettlaufer Scholarship Award.